Pest Control



Pest Control

ABOUT Pest Control

Best Cleaning Services Provider Since 2021

Pest control plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy home pest Free for your family and pets. As a Family-owned business, we recognise the importance of this, and our goal is to achieve this beyond your expectations using Eco friendly products while treating your home. We ensure all our customers of the highest service standards while maintaining our loyalty on warranties provided.
Internal & Internal pest control focuses on controlling and preventing pests within buildings, such as homes, offices, industrial facilities, gardens around the structure up to 50 metres, Garden and Pool Shads. This approach aims to create a pest-free environment indoors & outdoors by targeting pests that commonly infest structures. Common pests that require pest control measures include cockroaches, ants, web-spiders, silva fish, rodents, mosquitos, ticks, fleas and bed bugs. Inspection helps in determining the extent of the problem and formulating an effective control plan.
Finally, Before our Pest Control Technicians leave your site recommendation of none chemicals methods of preventing pest infestations in your residents.
Service Quality

Thorough inspections are conducted to identify existing pest infestations and potential entry points.

Modern Tech

We use Integrated approaches that combine multiple strategies while minimizing the use of chemical pesticides are increasingly favored for their effectiveness and reduced environmental impact.

Expert Team

Healthy Homes Carpet and Pest Control our team of professional technicians handle jobs from Redclife right up to the Sunshine Coast.

ABOUT Pest Control

Other Pest Control Services

General Pest Control Internal & External

General Pest Control Internal Only

General Pest Control External Only

Rodent Management

Bedbug Inspection & Treatment

Flea Treatment

Mosquito Treatment

General Pest House Inspection

Wasp Nest Treatment

Argentine Ant


Outdoors, they usually build shallow nests in moist locations such as under boards or stones, beneath plants or along sidewalks. When the conditions outside are not favorable for the ants to thrive, usually too cold or too dry, Argentine ants have been known to invade buildings in large numbers.


Argentine ants are very ordinary-looking, small brown ants. They are small and slender, 2.6 to 3.2mm long, and are dark brown in colour. The worker ants are uniform in shape and size and move in well defined trails. They have a slight greasy, musty odour when crushed.

Black House Ant


These ants do not bite or sting and are active day and night. Where are they found? In the home they are commonly attracted to sweet liquids and foods and are often drawn to the kitchen, laundry and bathroom. They naturally nest and forage in trees, feeding on insects, honeydew and nectar.


Black house ants are native to Australia and are a common house-infesting ant species. These ants do not bite or sting and are active day and night. Where are they found? In the home they are commonly attracted to sweet liquids and foods and are often drawn to the kitchen, laundry and bathroom.

Coastal Browne Ant


The coastal brown ant can be found nesting in disturbed soils, lawns, flowerbeds, under objects, such as bricks, cement slabs, or flower pots, around trees or water pipes, along the base of structures, and walkways, where displaced soil is usually observed from the action of ants digging below the surface.


Small, light ginger-brown coloured ants, with shiny dark brown abdomens. The presence of two very different-sized ‘castes’ (types determined by their function) of worker ants, that is: Smaller ‘minors’ — 2 to 3mm long.

Fire Ant


The worldwide distribution of fire ants suggests that they occur in most habitats except swamp and dense forest. The species occurs mostly in areas of disturbance such as lawns, pastures, roadsides, and agricultural lands or open natural areas such as grasslands or open forests.


Adults have a shiny brown-orange body and are around 2–5 mm in length. Workers come in a variety of sizes, from tiny minors to larger majors with a big square head. They can be confused with red imported fire ants which have a coppery brown head and body and darker abdomen.

Garden Ant


The garden ant is dark brown to black in hue, with no stinger and a small pedicel at the waist. Size: Workers grow to 5mm long while queens reach 15mm. Habitat: Garden ants favour the sunny side of most building, often establishing colonies beneath paving slabs.


These insects are black or dark brown and nest in soil, lawns, at the base of walls or under flat stones. Ants are social insects; they live in colonies that consist mainly of workers – sterile, wingless females.

Redback Spider


Redback spiders can be commonly found in logs or under rocks in the bush as they tend to reside in dark, dry areas. In suburban regions, the red-back has been known to live under roof eaves, floorboards, shelves, flowerpots or in garden sheds. The web is a tangle of dry silk


The Redback Spider (Latrodectus hasseltii) is a relatively small spider, with females typically measuring between 1 cm to 1.5 cm in body length, while males are smaller, ranging from 3 mm to 4 mm in body length.

Huntsman Spider


Huntsman Spiders are found living under loose bark on trees, in crevices on rock walls and in logs, under rocks and slabs of bark on the ground, and on foliage.


Huntsman spiders are large, long-legged spiders. They are mostly grey to brown, sometimes with banded legs. Many huntsman spiders, especially Delena (the flattest), and including Isopeda, Isopedella and Holconia, have rather flattened bodies adapted for living in narrow spaces under loose bark or rock crevices.

Wolf Spider


Wolf spiders are solitary animals that typically roam alone in the night, stalking prey. They are “mostly nocturnal and often mistaken for tarantulas,” Sewlal said. These spiders spend most of their time on the ground, but they can climb trees or other objects if they need to


Size: Wolf spiders come in many sizes, with most having a body size ranging from one-quarter of an inch to more than 1 ½ inches in length. The largest species may have a leg measuring up to three inches or more, leading many homeowners to mistake them for tarantulas.

Golden Orb Spider


Habitat. Golden Orb Weaving Spiders are found in dry open forest and woodlands, coastal sand dune shrubland and mangrove habitats. All orb weaving spiders make suspended, sticky, wheel-shaped orb webs. Webs are placed in openings between trees and shrubs where insects are likely to fly


Female golden orb weavers are 2 to 6 inches in length; males are smaller: 0.5 to 2 inches long. Orb weavers eat whatever gets caught in their web. That can include mosquitoes, bees, wasps, flies, small moths and butterflies, and even grasshoppers

Black House Spider


 Black House Spiders are found on tree trunks, logs, rock walls and buildings 


The Black House Spider belongs to the family Desidae. Related species are found throughout Australia. The Black House Spider (Badumna insignis) is a dark robust spider, with grey hairs usually visible on the carapace. Females are larger than males but there is a great range in adult sizes



Habitat. Daddy-long-legs Spiders are found in most urban areas, in particular houses. They make a thin, tangled web in sheltered positions were they are unlikely to be disturbed, such as under furniture, behind doors, in the corner of the ceilings, in sheds, in garages and under decks.


Identification. Daddy-long-legs spiders are easily recognised by their extremely long, skinny legs and small body. Pholcus phalangioides has a brown patch on its pale carapace and a cream to pale brown, lightly patterned abdomen.

Grey House Spider


They are known to build their thin, ladder-like webs in isolated places in and around houses, including: Garden shrubs. Cracks or crevices in walls. The undersides of outdoor furniture and other open containers.


The Grey house spider has the following characteristics: Medium sized – females generally have a body length of 7 mm and an overall length of 15 mm. Males tend to be a few mm smaller. Their abdomen and cephalothorax are covered in light grey hairs and markings that resemble tiny spots.

Mouse Spider


Mouse spiders are found in east coastal and highland regions of Australia. Like trapdoor spiders, the mouse spider lives in burrows in the ground, often in the banks of rivers, creeks and other waterways, but is also found in suburban gardens.


Mouse spiders are stout black spiders. Depending on the species, their abdomen is uniform black or dark blue, or black with a light grey to white patch on top. The head is very wide, shiny, and black, sometimes with bright red or orange-red jaws (chelicerae) and eye region.

Funnel Web Spider


The Funnel-web spider is typically found along the eastern coast of Australia, including Queensland. They like to build their burrows in moist, cool, and sheltered habitats such as under rocks, rotting logs, or in rough-barked trees.


Funnel-web Spiders are distinguished by often being fairly large spiders. Their general body colour is black, with a black or dark plum-coloured abdomen (the back half of the spider’s body), although females may have lighter coloured abdomens when carrying lots of eggs. Legs are long and black.

Australian Cockeroache


The Australian cockroach can be found under the bark of trees, in firewood piles and in locations with moisture. This species can survive indoors in subtropical areas when colder temperatures are present. In these situations, the cockroach may inhabit greenhouses, causing damage to plants (especially seedlings).


The australian cockroach is brown with a yellow line around its head and is often confused with the american cockroach. However, this australian cockroach is smaller with a body length between 23-35 mm long.

Oriental Cockoarche


Common outdoors and lives in warm, damp, shady areas near the ground or any area containing natural debris. It will often seek refuge indoors when a drop in temperature occurs, but is still quite tolerable of cooler weather.


The oriental cockroach is approximately 1 inch long (22 to 27mm) and dark brown to black. Males have wings covering 3/4 of their body, and the female has very short (rudimentary) wings. The inner wing folds like a fan and is membranous. The outer part of the wing is narrow, leathery and thick.

German Cockroache


German cockroaches prefer to live in warm, humid places close to food and moisture sources. They are frequently found in residential and commercial kitchen environments, and bathrooms, so these are the two most likely places for an infestation to occur.


German cockroaches are monomorphic with a flattened, oval shape, spiny legs, and long antennae. They are sexually dimorphic. Males have a thin and slender body, tapered posterior abdomen, visible terminal segments of the abdomen, and do not have tegmina (leathery outer wings).

American Cockoarche


Outdoors, American cockroaches are found in moist shady areas such as hollow trees, wood piles, and mulch. They are occasionally found under roof shingles and in attics. The cockroaches dwell outside, but will wander indoors to search for food and water or to avoid extreme weather conditions.


The adult American cockroach is reddish brown with a pale brown or yellow band around the edge of the pronotum. The males are longer than the females because their wings extend 4 to 8 mm beyond the tip of the abdomen. Males and females have a pair of slender, jointed cerci at the tip of the abdomen.

Browne-Banded Cockoarche


Being nocturnal, brown-banded cockroaches are often most active at night. However, they can be found during the day, typically looking for food. They enter homes and structures looking for shelter and once they find it, they will remain hidden for the majority of the day.


Adult brown banded cockroaches only grow to about ½” long. Male brown-banded cockroaches have full wings that reach beyond the tip of their pointed abdomens, while females have underdeveloped wings that prohibit them from flying. These roaches are oval in shape with six legs and two long antennae.

Smokybrowne Cockoarche


Smokybrown cockroaches are prevalent in leaf litter, in and around shrubs, flowers and trees, tree holes, wood piles, garages, crawl spaces, attics, and greenhouses. It has also been found on roofs and in rain gutters feeding on bird droppings and plant materials. Smokybrown cockroaches can also survive in sewers.


Size and Appearance: Smoky brown roaches are about 25-38 mm long and shiny brownish-black in color. Both sexes of this species feature a full set of functioning wings and are strong fliers. Nymphs are black during the first instar, brown in 2nd, and have a white marking on mesothorax.

Cat Flea


A cat flea will hop up to 12 inches to land on a passing host. Once a flea has found a food source, they will continue to feed on the host daily – usually 10-15 blood meals per day. Bites usually occur on pets during an infestation, but bites on humans are common as well.


They are about one to three mm in size, reddish-brown to black in color, wingless, and are laterally compressed. They possess powerful hind legs which allow for running and jumping through hair, fur, and feathers. Adult cat fleas require fresh blood to produce eggs.

Dog Flea


Adult fleas spend most of their time on the pet (dog or cat). The adult must feed on blood to produce eggs, laying about 450 during their lifetime. Their eggs fall off the pet and onto the pet bedding, couch, or carpeting.


Adult dog fleas are small (2.0 – 3.25 mm), wingless, bilaterally compressed, and heavily chitinized (Bayer Environmental Science 2007, Durden and Hinkle 2009). Members of the genus Ctenocephalides have genal and pronotal combs, large black eyes and 5-segmented labial palps (Ewing and Fox 1943).

Human Flea


If conditions are unfavorable, a cocooned flea can remain dormant for up to a year in the pupal phase.


Pulex irritans is known as the human flea. Fleas are 1-4 mm in length and laterally-compressed. They lack both genal and pronotal combs (ctenidia) and the ocular setae are below the eye. The frons is broadly-rounded.

Brown Dog Tick


The brown dog tick is unique in its ability to complete the entire life cycle indoors. Their typical habitat is warm, protected indoor locations where dogs are found, and they may become established inside homes.


What do brown dog ticks look like? Unengorged, adult brown dog ticks are about 1/8″ long, but enlarge up to about 1/2″ long when engorged with blood. Both male and female dog ticks have flat, reddish brown, oval bodies, but when engorged may become gray-blue or olive color.

Bird Mite


Bird mites most often live and feed on pigeons, sparrows, starlings and chickens. They migrate indoors from an abandoned nest, entering through the attic via openings in the ceiling or interior wall surfaces.


Small (less than 1mm long) mites with 8 legs. very mobile. semi-transparent in colour until blood has been digested when they appear reddish to blackish.

Bed Bugs


Bed bugs have a cryptic lifestyle, meaning they spend the majority of their time hiding together in cracks and crevices where they will not be seen or dis- turbed. However, they become active at night, between midnight and 5:00 am.


Argentine ants are very ordinary-looking, small brown ants. They are small and slender, 2.6 to 3.2mm long, and are dark brown in colour. The worker ants are uniform in shape and size and move in well defined trails. They have a slight greasy, musty odour when crushed.

Common Silverfish


Their natural habitat is under bark, soil, rotting logs and leaf litter. However, silverfish can frequently be found in commercial and domestic premises. They can be found in roof and wall voids; and prefer dark, damp and rarely disturbed places such as cupboards, wardrobes and bookshelves with a high humidity level.


Silverfish are wingless and typically 0.85 cm (0.33 in) in length, and have two long antennae (Marlatt 1902). The body is wide at the head and tapers down to the posterior end where three long appendages with bristles appear.

Norway Rats


Originally, this species lived primarily in forests, but has since developed as a commensal species with humans, preferring to live almost anywhere humans are present. The rats now make their homes in a variety of habitats, from forests and open fields, to sewers and buildings.


Rats reach about 16 inches long, nose to tail tip (with a body of about 9.5 inches), and weigh about one pound. A Norway rat has a blunt nose and small close-set bald ears. Its tail is fatter at base, cylindrical, scaly, semi-naked, shorter than the body, and pink or tan in color.

Roof Rats


Roof rats are primarily nocturnal, and thrive in cool weather. They forage for food in small groups of up to ten and tend to return to the same food source time after time, following the same pathway between their nest and food.


Roof rats are long and thin rodents that have large eyes and ears, a pointed nose and a scaly tail. Roof rats have soft and smooth fur that is typically brown with intermixed spots of black. Their undersides are often white, gray or black.

House Mouse


The House Mouse lives mainly in urban areas, being closely associated with humans. It prefers to live in secluded parts of buildings, reed beds, cracks in the ground or shallow burrow systems, make nests of shredded materials.


House mice are small, slender rodents with a slightly peointed nose; small, black, somewhat protruding eyes; large, sparsely haired ears; and a nearly hairless tail with obvious scale rings. House mice are gray-brown with a gray or buff-colored belly.

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